How to Choose a Casino


Casino is an epic crime drama that explores the seedy underbelly of Las Vegas gambling and its ties to organized crime. It is an excellent film with well-developed characters engaging in compelling drama. The movie also lays bare the corruption that was a hallmark of mob operations in the 1970s and 80s. Its tentacles reached […]

What Is a Slot?


A slot is a narrow opening, usually on the side of something larger, such as a door or a window. It can also refer to a position or assignment, such as a job or position on an ice hockey team. The word is a portmanteau of “slit” and “hole.” In slot machine games, the outcome […]

What is a Slot Machine?


Slot is a narrow depression, notch, or opening, especially one for receiving or admitting something, such as a coin or a letter. Also: a track or trace left by a moving object, as of a deer’s footprints. A slot machine is a gambling machine that pays out winning combinations of symbols on spinning reels after […]

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