What is a Slot?


The word slot comes from a late 14c. French word that refers to a hollow at the base of the throat, above the breastbone. The word is akin to the English term “window,” and its origin is uncertain, though some sources claim Old Norse slod. The word’s use as a verb first appears in the 1520s. In addition to being used in the context of gambling, slot is a synonym of “deer track” (the bloodhound tracks a wounded deer).

In hockey, the slot is the area between the faceoff circles in the offensive zone. There are two main types of slots: low and high. The low slot refers to the area directly in front of the goaltender and between the faceoff circles. The high slot is the center of the ice and above the faceoff circles. The goaltender must react lightning fast to a puck that lands in this area. In general, the slot is the best place for a winger to take a shot.

The most common uses of the word slot are in the computer industry. Initially, the term was used to describe an opening on a motherboard. Today, computers are often equipped with expansion slots. This allows users to increase the capabilities of their machines by installing new add-on boards or other hardware. Additionally, computer manufacturers have been using slots since the early 1990s. However, the term “slot” has two meanings: a groove that receives a wire; and a hole where a computer processor can be installed.