The Basics of Poker


A variety of earlier games have evolved into Poker. It is believed that Jonathan H. Green attached the name “poker” to a game played on a Mississippi riverboat. The game involved two to four people, using only Aces. After observing the game, Green described it in his book of the same name. This was the first documented reference to the game. However, no one is sure exactly where the term “poker” originated.

The basic rules of poker include the odds for winning a hand, and the payouts are usually based on a set of standard poker hands. If two people have identical hands, they will share the pot evenly. In addition, suits have no relative ranking in poker. Wild cards are allowed in the hand and can be used to form five of a kind. A straight flush is the highest possible hand and is the ultimate goal. Secondary pairs and highest unmatched cards break ties.

During a betting round, players can check the pot and see if anyone is holding a higher hand. The pot is known as the “pot” and can be changed by a player’s action. In cash games, players play with cash instead of poker chips. If a player decides to check their hand, they must “call” or raise their bet to continue. The minimum bet is also known as the “resistance” and is one of the game’s basic rules.