The Slot Design Process

A slot is an opening, hole, slit, or groove in which something may be inserted. The term is also used to denote a position, role, or spot in a sequence of activities. Examples include “a time slot,” a berth on a ship, or a shift in the workforce.

In the past, mechanical slot machines were a common sight in saloons and other gambling halls. They combined engineering acumen, mathematics, and psychological deceit in an elegant package. They could be played with coins, paper tickets with barcodes, or even paper strips fed into a machine through a slot. More recently, electromechanical slot machines have merged with video monitors and electronic circuitry to create games that mimic the appearance of real reels on a screen, but offer different types of payouts.

During the design stage, your team will produce initial sketches and wireframes of your slot game. This allows your business to build a prototype of the game. This will allow your company to test and improve the game before releasing it to market. Your developers will code the prototype using Unit Testing to make sure that individual components of your slot game function as intended. They will then perform Integration Testing to determine how the entire game functions as a whole. Finally, your developers will perform Quality Assurance (QA) to find and remove any issues or bugs that have been found during runtime. Once the QA process has been completed, your team will prepare to release your slot game to the public.